Yukimi, the talented vocalist and co-founder of the renowned Swedish band Little Dragon, has unveiled her debut solo album titled For You, set to release on March 28. This exciting announcement follows her recent sharing of two new tracks from the album, “Sad Makeup” and “Winter Is Not Dead.”
In discussing For You, Yukimi expressed her desire for the music to serve as a unifying force in a chaotic world. “I want this music to really be a force to connect people to each other,” she stated. “I’m excited about embarking on that journey on my own—the expression really feels pure.”
Last year, Yukimi gave fans a taste of what’s to come with the single “Break Me Down,” which she co-wrote alongside Erik Bodin and Lianne La Havas. The collaboration showcased her artistic vision, featuring Bodin’s instrumentation and La Havas’ guitar work.
The new album For You promises an eclectic mix of musical genres, incorporating elements of jazz, soul, psychedelia, electropop, and more. Notably, the album includes contributions from La Havas, who appears on “Steam of Consciousness,” along with De La Soul’s Posdnuos on “Jaxon,” and Yusuke Nagano on “Feels Good to Cry.”
Little Dragon, known for their influential sound, released their debut album in 2007, with their latest project, Slugs of Love, arriving in July 2023. Stay tuned as Yukimi embarks on her solo journey with For You.