The highly anticipated MCU series Agatha All Along premiered on September 18, igniting discussions and leaving audiences with intriguing questions. Central to the buzz is the mysterious identity of Joe Locke’s character, Teen, and the curious phenomenon of his mouth being covered whenever he speaks about himself to Agatha.
Why was Teen’s mouth covered when he spoke his name in Agatha All Along?
In episode 2, Teen attempts to share his identity with Agatha on two occasions, but magical forces interfere. During their first interaction, after Agatha learns that Teen freed her from Scarlet Witch’s spell, an enigmatic M-like symbol obscures his mouth when she asks who he is. Later, as they drive through Westview recruiting witches, Teen’s voice becomes muffled when Agatha inquires about his origins, further deepening the mystery.
It seems clear that magic is at play in Teen’s situation. Interestingly, Teen appears unaware of this interference, raising the possibility that a magical curse has been cast on him to prevent him from disclosing his identity to Agatha. This is likely not a phenomenon that occurs consistently, suggesting he may not be cognizant of the spell’s existence.
Fan theories abound, with many speculating that Teen is actually William “Billy” Kaplan-Altman, known as Wiccan, the son of Scarlet Witch in the comics. If this theory holds true, it would explain why someone might be going to great lengths to conceal his true identity from Agatha.
Alternatively, the spell’s origins might pertain to Agatha herself rather than Teen. Since Teen has yet to reveal his identity in front of other coven members, their experiences remain unknown. This could also potentially be a lingering effect of Scarlet Witch’s spell, designed to obscure the truth about Teen from Agatha.
Is there a connection to Mephisto in Agatha All Along?
As anticipation mounted before the launch of WandaVision, fans speculated about the potential appearance of Mephisto, a demonic figure from Marvel Comics. Although he did not materialize in that series, speculation continues regarding his involvement in Agatha All Along, particularly if Teen is indeed Wiccan. In the comics, Mephisto plays a crucial role in the origin stories of Wiccan and his twin brother, Speed. Furthermore, the mysterious M-like symbol over Teen’s mouth may suggest a link to Mephisto’s influence.