Security measures have been intensified in Paldhi village, located in Maharashtra’s Jalgaon district, following a violent clash triggered by an altercation involving a Minister’s vehicle and local residents. A 24-hour curfew has been enforced to maintain order, as confirmed by police officials.
Authorities have arrested at least seven individuals for their involvement in damaging public property during the unrest. The Superintendent of Police for Jalgaon district, Maheswar Reddy, stated, “The violence erupted from a road rage incident after a public gathering. The curfew is a preventive measure, but the situation is currently under control.”
The arrested individuals face charges related to rioting, vandalism, and property damage. The incident began late Tuesday evening, around 9:30 p.m., when a heated exchange took place between the driver of Shiv Sena MLA Gulabrao Patil and local residents, leading to stone pelting, arson, and destruction of vehicles and shops.
Reports indicate that several individuals sustained injuries during the violence. In response to the escalated situation, additional police forces from the Jalgaon headquarters have been deployed, and investigations are underway to determine the incident’s root cause, with a review of CCTV footage in progress.
Eyewitnesses have noted that during the incident, Minister Gulabrao Patil’s wife and two daughters-in-law were present in the vehicle.
The ongoing developments are being closely monitored, and further updates will be provided as the situation unfolds.