Ukraine has officially prohibited the use of the Telegram messaging platform on devices assigned to government, military personnel, and employees within the defense sector and critical infrastructure. This decisive action was announced by the National Security and Defence Council, aiming to counter the heightened threats posed by Russia amid the ongoing conflict that escalated with the invasion in 2022.
The National Security and Defence Council highlighted that Telegram has become a tool exploited by adversarial forces for conducting cyber-attacks, disseminating phishing and malware, and for activities such as tracking user locations and adjusting missile strikes.
In a recent meeting of leading information security officials, lawmakers, and military leaders, it was revealed that credible evidence of Russian intelligence agencies’ capacity to access Telegram communications, including deleted messages, was presented. Military intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov emphasized the gravity of the situation, stating that protecting national security overrides issues of free speech.
While the ban is comprehensive, there are exceptions for certain officials whose duties necessitate the use of Telegram. The council clarified that the prohibition applies solely to official devices, meaning personal smartphones are not affected. Therefore, government officials and military members can still manage and update their official Telegram accounts.
Recent surveys indicate that Telegram remains a vital social platform in Ukraine, with 72% of the populace utilizing it for news. Founded in 2013, Telegram is renowned for its end-to-end encryption features. The platform’s co-founder, who left Russia due to censorship demands, was recently placed under investigation in France regarding organized crime, sparking discussions around freedom of speech and content moderation. Telegram reportedly reached a milestone of 950 million monthly active users as of July.