The Ahmedabad Police Crime Branch has apprehended three individuals involved in an elaborate online fraud scheme, exploiting vulnerabilities in e-commerce websites to purchase high-value items for mere pennies, officials reported. The fraudsters manipulated product prices using sophisticated debugging security-testing software, leading to the acquisition of approximately 125 products valued at Rs 7 crore, all paid for at minimal expense and shipped to fictitious addresses.
The primary suspect, Adil Parmar, holds a B.Sc. in Information Technology, while Vijay Vaghela is currently pursuing an MBA. They were joined by a third accomplice, Nitesh, also known as Chhotu Madta.
Recent police operations resulted in a raid following intelligence on their involvement in online casinos and betting schemes. During questioning, officers uncovered that the trio had breached multiple e-commerce platforms, online casinos, and betting sites, skillfully altering the payment gateway to acquire high-ticket items such as mobile phones, drones, laptops, and even gold coins.
Authorities are also questioning several bank employees for their potential complicity in the scam.
According to DCP Ajit Rajian, the accused managed to procure these valuable goods at a fraction of their actual cost, often undercutting prices by as much as 80%, allowing them to resell items at inflated rates and realize significant profits.
The Crime Branch has confiscated items from the suspects worth approximately Rs 6 lakh, including mobile devices, laptops, and jewelry.
The trio utilized internet search engines to identify e-commerce and casino websites, allegedly obtaining credit and debit card information to execute their scheme. Through the manipulation of payment gateways, they were able to place orders for products, changing their displayed prices to mere rupees or even zero.
Using specialized debugging software, they altered the prices of high-value items, transforming a product priced at Rs 1 lakh to ‘Rs 0’ for purchase. Notably, they purchased a drone valued at Rs 2.5 lakh for ‘Rs 0’ and subsequently resold it for over Rs 1 lakh, indicating a massive profit margin.
Moreover, the suspects acquired gold coins and jewelry, which were also ordered without cost and delivered to fictional addresses. Following the delivery of products, they reportedly changed their mobile numbers to evade detection.
Published On:
Jan 31, 2025