Shadow the Hedgehog has quickly become a standout character in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, especially following his debut in the first trailer for the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog 3. The character’s rising popularity has unexpectedly led to significant disruptions in the Build-a-Bear collection, with Shadow’s plush gaining immense demand.
Recent reports indicate that Shadow’s Build-a-Bear plush has sold out and is now listed at exorbitant prices on secondary markets, with bids starting at $300 and soaring up to $1,500. The highest recorded sale on these platforms has exceeded $600, reflecting a substantial markup compared to other available characters in the collection.
Currently, Shadow has been removed from Build-a-Bear’s online store, and there are no plans for a restock, a decision that appears puzzling given the incredible demand for the character. The lack of availability may drive prices even higher in the secondary market.
The Sonic the Hedgehog franchise is experiencing remarkable success, recently surpassing $1 billion in box office sales. An announcement for Sonic 4, set for release in 2027, has fueled excitement among fans. There are indications that Jim Carrey is keen to reprise his role as Dr. Ivo Robotnik, and it is expected that Keanu Reeves will return as Shadow. The actor recently reprised his role in the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Movie Pack DLC for the game.
Furthermore, Shadow has just launched a new wireless Switch controller, offering fans a more affordable option compared to the plush, amidst the soaring prices for the Build-a-Bear version.