Prime Minister Narendra Modi engaged with over 3,000 promising young leaders on January 12, 2025, during a significant exhibition for the Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue. This event, aimed at fostering youth participation in politics, coincided with National Youth Day, which celebrates the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.
Mr. Modi expressed excitement about spending the entire day with these dynamic individuals, who were carefully selected through a rigorous process to represent diverse backgrounds from across the nation. The dialogue is part of the Prime Minister’s vision to involve one lakh politically unassociated youth in the political landscape.
During the event, the Prime Minister highlighted the enthusiasm of the young leaders for fields such as science, technology, innovation, and culture. He emphasized that the discussions over lunch would focus on collaborative ideas for building a ‘Viksit Bharat’, a developed India.
This initiative reflects the government’s commitment to empowering the next generation and ensuring their voices contribute to shaping the future of the country.