Viewers are eager to know the future of Matlock Season 1, which debuted in September 2024. The series consists of 10 episodes, but just eight have aired on CBS, raising questions about its continuation. The latest episode, titled “No, No Monsters,” premiered on December 12, 2024, and follows Madeline Kingston’s pursuit of a critical document for the Wellbrexa case.
Here’s everything you need to know about the status of Matlock and its renewal prospects.
Is Matlock 2024 Canceled?
No, Matlock 2024 has not been canceled; it is currently on a break and is set to be renewed for Season 2.
The remaining episodes were temporarily paused during the holiday season. Fans can rest assured that Episode 9 is scheduled for release on January 30, and Episode 10 will follow on February 6, both airing at their regular times.
Furthermore, the network has officially confirmed that the show will return for a second season. CBS Entertainment leadership expressed excitement about the renewal, praising the reinvented series created by Jennie Snyder Urman, alongside the compelling performance of Kathy Bates in the lead role.
With widespread audience acclaim and critical success, the enthusiasm for Season 2 is palpable. However, a specific release date and additional plot details for the upcoming season have yet to be revealed.
This new iteration of the drama is inspired by the classic 1986 legal drama series of the same name. It follows the story of retired attorney Madeline, who, after gaining fame in her early career, returns to the legal world with a prestigious firm. Utilizing her sharp intellect and understated demeanor, she aims to uncover the truth and achieve justice.