Tokyo, Japan, recently hosted the prestigious IFBB Women’s World Championships from December 16 to 19, 2024. This significant event, part of the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness’s global calendar, showcased a variety of competitive categories.
Competitions Featured:
- Women’s Bodybuilding
- Women’s Fitness
- Women’s Figure
- Women’s Bikini
- Wellness Fitness
Attracting 1,500 top-tier international bodybuilders, the championship highlighted remarkable talent. Notably, B. Sugarsuren from Mongolia made history by securing a gold medal and competing in the “Wellness Fitness +163 cm” category, where she achieved a commendable fourth place.
This marks Mongolia’s first championship victory since joining the IFBB 31 years ago.
In addition, D. Ariunaa competed in the “Master Wellness 35-39” category and achieved a sixth-place finish. B. Gerelt-Od earned a silver medal in the “Male Fit Model” category at the IFBB Men’s World Championships, while N. Khosbayar claimed silver in the “Master Men’s Physique 40” category.