A tragic incident at a Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany, has resulted in the death of a woman, raising the total fatalities from the attack to six. The 52-year-old victim succumbed to her injuries two weeks after a vehicle crashed into the crowded market on December 20, according to prosecutors.
The assault left at least 299 people injured, with reports from the Saxony-Anhalt interior ministry confirming the growing toll. Among the deceased are four women aged between 45 and 75, as well as a nine-year-old child.
Roland Weber, the Federal Victims’ Commissioner, stated that up to 531 individuals may have been traumatized or experienced economic repercussions due to the attack. A 50-year-old suspect, identified as Taleb al-Abdulmohsen, was apprehended at the scene, yet the motives behind this horrifying act remain unclear.
Abdulmohsen, who has resided in Germany since 2006, is reported to be a Saudi psychiatrist living approximately 50 kilometers south of Magdeburg in Bernburg. After being granted asylum in 2016, he created a website aimed at assisting former Muslims fleeing persecution from their Gulf homelands.
His online presence reflected notably anti-Islam sentiments, coupled with a support for far-right conspiracy theories regarding the “Islamisation” of Europe. German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser remarked on the suspect’s clear “Islamophobic” ideology, emphasizing the need for a thorough investigation into his background.
Abdulmohsen now faces pre-trial detention on charges of murder, attempted murder, and causing serious bodily harm. While authorities believe he acted independently, significant concerns have arisen regarding security measures and prior knowledge of the suspect, particularly following reports of warnings about his extremist views sent from the Saudi government to German officials.
Counter-terrorism experts have raised suspicions over the intentions behind these warnings, suggesting they may constitute attempts to discredit Abdulmohsen, who was known for helping young Saudi women seek asylum in Germany. The investigation into this tragic event continues as authorities grapple with the implications of the attack.