Bluey, the acclaimed Australian animated series, continues to capture the hearts of audiences worldwide, winning multiple awards, including the prestigious TCA Award for Outstanding Achievement in Children’s Programming. In exciting news for fans, Bluey and her family will be available in their very own official Lego sets, with six Lego Bluey sets set to launch in 2025.
These Lego Bluey sets will cater to young builders with offerings in both the Lego 4+ and Duplo categories. Duplo sets typically include larger pieces for easier assembly, while the Lego Preschooler sets will feature around 100 pieces, making them accessible and engaging for children.
Fans can look forward to playsets that will include beloved characters like Bluey, Bingo, Bandit (Dad), and Chilli (Mom), alongside themed accessories inspired by memorable episodes from the show. The complete lineup of sets will be unveiled this spring, providing children with the opportunity to recreate iconic scenes from the beloved series.
In addition to its Lego partnership, Bluey remains a significant cultural trend, having been last year’s most-watched series globally on Disney+. While fans await the arrival of Lego Bluey on store shelves, there are already numerous Bluey-themed toys available. The Tile Town Bluey Heeler Home & 4WD Vehicle Construction Set is a fantastic option, allowing children to construct a 3D model of the Heeler household using magnetic components. Other unique offerings include a flat magnetic playset and a Bluey Spirograph Cyclex Set, encouraging creativity and interactive play.
For those interested in Lego products, the Monkey Palace: Lego Board Game offers an entertaining activity for families to enjoy together, currently available at a sale price of $26. Additionally, Bluey isn’t the only children’s show to inspire building sets; a Duplo series featuring Peppa Pig was launched last year.
With a host of new Lego sets released this month, there are plenty of opportunities for building enthusiasts to explore. Stay tuned for more updates as the launch of the Lego Bluey collection approaches in early 2025.