The Kerala High Court has recently denied a request from Manjusha, the widow of former Kannur Additional District Magistrate Naveen Babu, for a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe into her husband’s death. On January 6, 2025, Justice Kauser Edappagth dismissed the plea, but ordered the Deputy Inspector General of Police in Kannur to oversee the ongoing investigation, ensuring it is conducted fairly and effectively.
The court demanded that the Special Investigation Team (SIT) assigned to the case explore the possibility of homicidal hanging, a concern raised by Manjusha. The SIT has also been instructed to provide regular progress reports to the Kannur DIG and to keep the petitioner informed about the investigation’s developments.
Naveen Babu was discovered dead at his home in Kannur on October 15 of the prior year. Initial police inquiries suggested suicide as a result of public allegations of corruption made by former District Panchayat President P. P. Divya during a farewell event on October 14. The SIT later arrested Divya, who was subsequently released on bail on November 8.
Manjusha has maintained that the events surrounding her husband’s death raise significant doubts regarding the cause, asserting that it was not a suicide. She criticized the police’s handling of the inquest, claiming it was conducted too quickly and without the presence of close relatives, violating legal protocols.
She also expressed concerns about the SIT potentially covering up evidence and facilitating false testimonies, alleging that a fabricated complaint was created to support the baseless bribery claims against her late husband. In her petition, she emphasized the importance of identifying individuals who interacted with Naveen Babu after the farewell event, arguing that this information could be critical in establishing the circumstances of his death and that the possibility of a homicidal hanging should not be dismissed.
Additionally, Manjusha highlighted that crucial evidence, including CCTV footage from various locations connected to her husband, has not been collected by the SIT. She contended that this footage could shed light on the moments leading up to his death. Due to perceived shortcomings in the investigation’s progress, she requested a CBI inquiry.
The prosecution opposed Manjusha’s plea, asserting that she had not provided sufficient evidence of any procedural failures by the police regarding the case.
Published – January 06, 2025, 11:26 am IST