The Telangana Anti-Narcotics Bureau (TGANB) in collaboration with local police conducted an operation at a pub in Hyderabad, leading to the arrest of four individuals on charges of narcotics use on Sunday night.
During the raid at Xora Bar and Kitchen in Jubilee Hills, authorities screened a total of 45 patrons. Out of those tested, four individuals returned positive results for drug use. According to police reports, three tested positive for marijuana and one for cocaine. However, officials noted that these results do not confirm consumption within the pub premises, as users might have used narcotics within a timeframe of the past six months, as stated by a police spokesperson.
In a separate incident, five suspects — identified as Maniteja, Mukesh, Venkata Sai, Sarkar, and Ashish Sardar — were apprehended by Jubilee Hills police for possessing 3.5 kilograms of smuggled marijuana.