The tragic case of Ugandan Olympian Rebecca Cheptegei has taken a devastating turn, as her former boyfriend, Dickson Ndiema, has succumbed to injuries from an attack that resulted in her death. The incident occurred more than a week ago when Ndiema ambushed Cheptegei as she returned home from church, dousing her in petrol and setting her ablaze.
Local authorities revealed that the couple had been embroiled in a dispute over a small piece of land in north-west Kenya, where Cheptegei lived and trained. Ndiema was admitted to a Kenyan hospital with severe burns covering over 40% of his body and died in the intensive care unit due to complications including respiratory failure and sepsis.
Cheptegei passed away just four days after the attack, having sustained burns to over 80% of her body. Eyewitnesses reported hearing her screams as she fled the scene seeking help. According to local media, Ndiema had secretly entered her home with a jerry can filled with petrol, and some of the fuel splashed onto himself, leading to his own injuries when he ignited Cheptegei.
With Ndiema’s death, law enforcement officials have stated that the case will no longer be treated as murder, leading to the termination of criminal charges against him. Instead, an inquest will be launched to investigate both deaths.
The shocking nature of Cheptegei’s death has deeply saddened her community and fans worldwide; she was regarded as an inspiration. The 33-year-old athlete was not only a competitor at the recent Paris Olympics but also a gold medalist at the World Mountain and Trail Running Championships in 2022. Cheptegei, who grew up on the Kenyan side of the Uganda border before representing Uganda, is set to be buried on Saturday in Bukwo, Uganda.
The incident highlights a growing concern in Kenya regarding violence against women; a national survey indicated that at least 34% of women reported experiencing physical violence in 2022. Cheptegei’s death is a reminder of the urgent need for increased efforts to combat such violence in society.