After a three-decade absence, the Famicom Detective Club series makes a triumphant return with the release of “Emio – The Smiling Man.” This marks the first new installment since “The Missing Heir” and “The Girl Who Stands Behind,” originally launched on the Famicom Disk System. The game was released today, August 29, exclusively for Nintendo Switch, but securing a physical copy has proven challenging. Currently, “Emio – The Smiling Man” is available only at specific retailers, with other major outlets already sold out.
Priced at $50, the standard edition of “Emio – The Smiling Man” is the only version available in the U.S., although a collector’s edition with English language support can be found through imports, if in stock. Players can also access the digital version on the Switch eShop for the same price.
The engaging visual novel revolves around two investigators delving into the murder of a student, a case potentially linked to the infamous Smiling Man urban legend. As a detective from the Utsugi Detective Agency, players will work to determine if this murder signals the return of Emio. For the first time, Ayumi Tachibana, a vital character from earlier titles, is also playable.
Notably, “Emio – The Smiling Man” is one of the rare titles developed and published by Nintendo that carries a Mature ESRB rating, stepping away from the company’s typical family-friendly offerings.
Fans looking to experience the earlier games can indulge in “The Two-Case Collection,” available for $60. This digital bundle features remastered versions of both prior entries, enhanced for the Switch in 2021.