The Tamil Nadu Planning Commission’s executive vice chairperson presented a series of draft policies and comprehensive reports to Chief Minister M.K. Stalin during a crucial meeting at the Secretariat in Chennai on Monday. The event was attended by Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin, Chief Secretary N. Muruganandam, and other senior officials.
The submitted draft policies aim to enhance governance and public welfare and include: a Policy for Sustainable Land Use, the Tamil Nadu Employment Policy 2023, the Tamil Nadu State Water Policy, and the Community Dog Management and Regulation Policy. Key assessments of flagship government initiatives were also among the reports delivered, covering the Chief Minister’s Breakfast Scheme, the Impact on Children in Primary Classes in Government Schools (interim Report), Benefits of the Pudumai Penn Scheme, and the Ennum Ezhuthum Scheme.
Additionally, significant studies such as the Urban Heat Island – Hotspot Analysis and Mitigation Strategies for Tamil Nadu and Opportunities for District Cooling Systems were presented to address pressing environmental concerns.
Published – December 16, 2024 07:48 pm IST