The Income Tax Department has announced the establishment of a round-the-clock control room and complaint monitoring cell aimed at tackling illegal inducements during the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections. This initiative was made public on January 8, 2025, coinciding with the recent unveiling of the election schedule for the 70-member assembly, where voting is set for February 5, and counting on February 8.
Located at the Civic Centre in central Delhi, the new control room will allow citizens to report any suspicious activities, including the movement or distribution of cash, bullion, and precious metals related to the elections. The department has also provided a toll-free number, 1800111309, for reporting such instances.
To ensure confidentiality, the identity of informants will be protected, encouraging more individuals to come forward with information. Multiple contact numbers and the address of the control room have also been made available for the public’s convenience.
This initiative is part of broader measures mandated by the Election Commission to curb the influence of black money in elections and to maintain a fair electoral environment. The I-T investigation wing implements similar control rooms in all states heading into elections as a proactive measure to safeguard the integrity of the voting process.
Also read | Delhi gears up for Assembly polls, model code of conduct now in effect
Published – January 08, 2025 01:39 pm IST