Defence Minister Rajnath Singh celebrated Vijaya Dashami by performing Shastra Puja at Sukhana Cantonment in Darjeeling on October 12, 2024. The event brought together Singh and Army personnel, with visuals showcasing the Minister applying tilak to the soldiers’ foreheads.
In his address, Singh conveyed his warm wishes to the soldiers and their families, stating, “I wish all of you and your families a very happy Vijaya Dashami. I am delighted to perform Shastra Puja here among you. India is one of the few countries that pay homage to their instruments with such respect. This practice might seem minor, but it signifies our deep-rooted respect for our work and culture. Throughout the year, various professionals honor their tools, from students worshiping their books during Diwali to musicians appreciating their instruments.”
He further highlighted the significance of the day, saying, “You have embraced this ritual for years. This day symbolizes victory, as Ram overcame Ravan, representing a triumph for humanity. Our soldiers embody the qualities of Lord Ram, and our nation has only engaged in conflict to defend its dignity, not out of animosity. Once again, I extend my heartfelt wishes to everyone on this occasion. Happy Vijayadashami.”
Published on October 12, 2024, at 11:39 am IST.