“You’ve achieved 40 seconds of uninterrupted focus.”
This statement marks a significant milestone in the realm of mental wellness technology. For the past 10 minutes, I have been intently focused on my phone, maneuvering a digital ball up a virtual hill using only my concentration. The Mendi headset I’m using is analyzing my brain activity in real-time, affecting how the game reacts. With every ounce of concentration, the ball climbs higher.
This exercise is designed to enhance my mental capabilities, akin to using weights for physical strength training, with the ultimate goal of sharpening focus and alleviating stress.
Much like countless others, I have dedicated years to wearing fitness trackers aimed at promoting physical health. However, the wearables industry is shifting its focus toward mental well-being. Innovative smartwatches and brainwave-reading devices now not only monitor our nervous systems but also take active steps to enhance our overall mental health. This makes mental wellness support more accessible and integrated into our daily lives. “We are leveraging the brain’s ability to rewire itself to increase emotional control,” states a leading expert in the field.
As someone who grapples with stress and anxiety, I am open to exploring any tool that may help manage these challenges. However, with my background in neuroscience, I approach these advancements with a level of skepticism. Therefore, I examined a growing variety of devices designed to enhance concentration, focus, and alleviate stress to determine their effectiveness and potential impact on mental health.