Mavis Staples and Jeff Tweedy, the leader of Wilco, captivated audiences on a recent episode of a popular late-night show, delivering a powerful rendition of “Freedom Highway.” Originally recorded by the Staple Singers in 1965, the song holds significant historical value and was performed live at Chicago’s Auditorium Theatre, coinciding with the 2024 Democratic National Convention.
During the performance, the host highlighted the rich legacy of “Freedom Highway,” emphasizing its roots in Chicago, and referred to Staples and Tweedy as “two of my favorite Chicagoans.” Their shared Chicago heritage has fostered a long-standing collaboration; since 2010, Tweedy has produced several of Staples’ albums, including her acclaimed works “You Are Not Alone” and “One True Vine.”
In 2017, the duo released a joint project titled “If All I Was Was Black,” a politically charged album reflecting contemporary issues. As the pandemic unfolded, they came together again to create “All in It Together,” with proceeds supporting local Chicago efforts to aid vulnerable seniors.
Recently, Staples released her latest single, “Worthy,” while Tweedy is gearing up for a nationwide tour, continuing to share their musical influence across the United States.