Fans of the iconic Gundam franchise are buzzing with excitement as ECNETNews presents the latest update on “Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance.” Following a revealing trailer released over the summer, a captivating four-minute clip of this highly anticipated film has been unveiled. This marks a significant milestone as “Requiem for Vengeance” is the second installment in the series entirely crafted through computer animation, with the inaugural animated production being “Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO.” Notably, it is the first full series to utilize Epic Games’ cutting-edge Unreal Engine 5 for its animation.
Set in the year 0079 UC (Universal Century), the narrative unfolds with the Principality of Zeon declaring independence from the Earth Federation, igniting a fierce conflict between the two factions. The official synopsis highlights how the Zeon Force initially gains the upper hand through a groundbreaking weapon known as a Mobile Suit, yet struggles to dominate all of Earth, resulting in a stalemate of war.
The story unfolds eleven months into the conflict, featuring Earth Federation forces attempting to reclaim a Zeon-controlled base in Eastern Europe. The gripping clip showcases pilot Iria Sorari and the elite Mobile Suit platoon, Red Wolves division, joining the fierce battle.
Directed by Erasmus Brosdau and penned by Gavin Hignight, known for “Tekken: Bloodline,” “Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance” is a collaborative effort between renowned animation studios, Sunrise and SAFEHOUSE, Inc.
Mark your calendars—”Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance” premieres exclusively on October 17.