Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath announced on January 11, 2025, the launch of dedicated bus services from all districts of the state to Prayagraj, facilitating access for devotees visiting for the auspicious Mahakumbh festival. In a crucial meeting with Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (UPSRTC) officials, the Chief Minister emphasized the importance of reliable transportation during this significant event.
“Every passenger must have a comfortable journey,” stated Mr. Adityanath, who highlighted the need for comprehensive schedules and public awareness about the bus services. He also insisted on stringent measures to prevent intoxication among drivers and conductors, ensuring passenger safety and compliance with fixed fares and capacity limits by private bus operators.
To accommodate the influx of visitors, UPSRTC is set to operate 7,000 buses, including 550 shuttle buses specifically for ease of movement within the festival grounds.
Personnel from the state’s Transport department were present, including the Transport Minister and senior officials, to oversee the preparations for this grand event.
Published – January 11, 2025 10:01 pm IST