On March 20, the renowned Los Angeles label Temporal Drift will celebrate the legacy of the late Japanese composer Hiroshi Yoshimura with a highly anticipated reissue of his iconic album, Flora. This reissue has been created in collaboration with Yoshimura’s estate and includes insightful liner notes by esteemed writer and professor Junichi Konuma. The album has been meticulously remastered by expert engineer John Baldwin.
Originally recorded in 1987, Flora stands as a significant work in Yoshimura’s discography, following his earlier releases, Green and Surround. However, it wasn’t until 2006 that this masterpiece was finally released on CD. The upcoming release by Temporal Drift marks a pivotal moment, as it will make Flora available for the first time on vinyl, CD, cassette, and through digital formats.
Yoshimura, who passed away in 2003 at the age of 63, is lauded as a pioneer of Japanese ambient music. His innovative soundscapes gained renewed appreciation following the 2017 reissue of his debut album, Music for Nine Postcards.
The tracklist for Flora includes:
01 Over the Clover
02 Flora
03 Asagao
04 Ojigisou
05 Maple Syrup Factory
06 Adelaide
07 Wind Echo
08 Trick Tree
09 Kasumi
10 Silence
11 Satie on the Grass
This reissue promises to introduce a new generation of listeners to the enchanting world of Yoshimura’s music, further solidifying his influence in the realm of ambient sound.