For many fans of superhero cartoons, the beloved series Super Friends holds a special place in their hearts. The release of Super Friends: The Complete Series Blu-ray presents a unique opportunity to revisit this iconic show. Originally airing from 1973 to 1985, Super Friends featured multiple iterations and has firmly secured its legacy in animation history.
The series, produced by Hanna-Barbera, brought together the greatest DC superheroes to fight for justice, often with the help of young protégés. The official release notes highlight its rich history as part of ABC’s Saturday morning cartoon lineup.
This comprehensive Blu-ray set showcases every single episode ever produced, totaling 93 episodes that reveal the show’s evolution. The series began with a trio of lesser-known sidekicks—Wendy, Marvin, and Wonder Dog—before transitioning to the Wonder Twins and their monkey Gleek. While storytelling was not always the show’s forte, the vibrant action and nostalgic appeal make it a great option for background viewing, especially with its impressive HD transfer.
First-time viewers will enjoy discovering the diverse array of heroes that appear throughout the series. Notable characters like Cyborg and Firestorm make exciting appearances as full Justice League members in later episodes, alongside an impressive lineup of villains, including The Joker, Darkseid, and Mr. Mxyzptik. This Blu-ray set serves as a delightful reminder of the broad and colorful DC universe, reigniting the love fans have for these iconic characters.
While there are no additional bonus features, Warner Bros. has ensured that nothing is left out in this extensive collection. It includes eight previously unreleased “lost episodes” from the 1980 Super Friends series that were only shown internationally. Fans will appreciate the inclusion of various iterations like Super Friends, The All-New Super Friends Hour, and Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show, totaling an impressive 3,142 minutes of content.
This Blu-ray collection consists of 16 discs, cleverly housed in an Epik Pak tray that minimizes movement within the case. Although it lacks extravagant packaging, each disc is clearly labeled, making it easy for fans to navigate different episodes.
Super Friends: The Complete Series Blu-ray Review: Final Verdict
With all 93 episodes spanning the iconic Super Friends series, the Super Friends: The Complete Series Blu-ray delivers on its promise of nostalgia and entertainment. While it may not epitomize the pinnacle of superhero storytelling, it remains a fun watch that serves as an excellent introduction to these cherished characters for young audiences. Whether for nostalgic appreciation or sharing with a new generation, this Blu-ray set is a must-have for DC fans.