A new game titled “City of Voices” has been announced by a designer from The Rise of the Golden Idol. This exciting venture is a collaboration between the designer’s studio, Kimi Games, and renowned pixel artist Matt Frith. Advertised as a title reminiscent of The Rise of the Golden Idol, City of Voices promises a unique gaming experience.
Set in England, the narrative follows a young girl facing bullying at school. Initially, the game delivers a slice-of-life adventure but soon escalates into a more fantastical journey. Players will engage in investigative gameplay, searching for clues that have become frozen in time to unravel the unfolding mystery.
Designer Will Ackermann has shared that he consulted with the original developers of The Rise of the Golden Idol to gain permission to incorporate similar deduction mechanics into City of Voices. He expressed his initial nervousness in seeking their approval, but was pleased to find that they welcomed his homage.
Currently, City of Voices is confirmed for release on PC, with a release date yet to be announced. Fans of inventive detective gameplay will want to keep an eye on this intriguing project as it develops.