Recent research reveals groundbreaking insights into the lifespans of right whales, indicating they can survive for more than 130 years—nearly double previous estimates. This extreme longevity aligns with traits observed in their relatives, the bowhead whales.
In collaboration with Indigenous hunters, scientists analyzed harvested bowhead whales, demonstrating that they can live over 200 years. The findings were supported by the discovery of 19th-century harpoon tips in modern bowhead hunts.
Right whales, closely related to bowheads, share similar life history traits, including seasonal migration for birthing and filter feeding through baleen. Historically dubbed the “right” whales for hunting due to their buoyant bodies when killed, these species reveal significant variances in longevity.
A comprehensive study utilized four decades of data from photo identification programs monitoring individual Southern right whales and critically endangered North Atlantic right whales. Results showed that Southern right whales can exceed estimations of 70 to 80 years and may reach lifespans of 150 years. In stark contrast, North Atlantic right whales average only 22 years, with few living past 50.
Lead researcher and marine biologist noted that the drastic difference in lifespans between the two species primarily stems from human impacts. “North Atlantic whales should live much longer; their short lifespans result from frequent entanglements in fishing gear, ship strikes, and potential starvation linked to environmental changes,” he explained.
The study highlights a historical knowledge gap regarding whale aging. “We only started accurately aging baleen whales in 1955, coinciding with the decline of industrial whaling. By then, few old whales remained for study, leading to significant underestimations of their potential lifespan,” he stated.
These findings carry vital implications for conservation strategies, emphasizing that recovery for whale species may take hundreds of years, especially for those that reproduce slowly, such as right whales, which have a long gestation period and usually produce a single calf every decade.
Additionally, the research emphasizes the role of cultural knowledge in whale populations. “Recovery efforts must consider the transfer of knowledge among whale generations. It’s not solely about their numbers but also the cultural and behavioral knowledge older whales impart to younger ones,” he added.
The loss of older whales represents a significant threat to the survival of younger generations due to the disruption of crucial knowledge transfer.
Looking ahead, researchers aim to expand their studies to other whale species, predicting that currently estimated lifespans may be significantly underestimated and striving to understand the long-term effects of whaling on these populations.