In a celebration of its 20th anniversary, Monster Hunter is venturing into a unique crossover with Digimon, unveiling a set of exclusive Monster Hunter-themed Virtual Pets. This exciting collaboration features two distinct versions: a red device inspired by the renowned Rathalos and a blue device showcasing the powerful Zinogre. Each device includes special hybrid forms, such as RathalosGreymon—combining Rathalos with Greymon—and ZinoGarurumon, merging Zinogre with Garurumon, which can be unlocked through engaging mini-games and battles.
The Monster Hunter V-Pet Color devices allow collectors to raise and level up over 30 different monsters, encompassing fan-favorites like Mizutsune, Rajaang, Nargacuga, Tigrex, Gore Magala, and Khezu. Measuring approximately 1.75 inches tall and 2.5 inches wide, these gadgets feature vibrant color screens, responsive buttons, and built-in speakers. Each device is priced at $100 and is currently available for preorder. Anticipated to be released in February, these unique devices will surely capture the attention of both Monster Hunter and Digimon enthusiasts.
In addition to their distinct gameplay features, these V-Pets stand out with their full-color displays—marking a significant upgrade from the regular low-pixel LCD models. While the pricing may be on the higher side, the rarity of these devices in North America adds to their appeal. As an alternative, classic versions of V-Pets are available at a more accessible price for those interested in a nostalgic experience.
For fans looking forward to more Monster Hunter action, the next installment in Capcom’s popular action-RPG series, Monster Hunter Wilds, is scheduled for release on February 28, 2025. Stay tuned for more updates and preorder information on this exciting addition to the franchise.