On January 6, 2025, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla will inaugurate the “Panchayat Se Parliament 2.0” program, designed to enhance the understanding of the Constitution and parliamentary procedures among over 500 women representatives from Panchayati Raj institutions nationwide.
This event, held to honor the 150th birth anniversary of tribal leader Birsa Munda, will feature workshops, sessions, and guided tours of the new Parliament House, Samvidhan Sadan, Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya, and Rashtrapati Bhavan. Participants will gain a deeper insight into India’s legislative process and the operational framework of its democratic institutions.
According to the Lok Sabha secretariat, the program will unite 502 elected women representatives from Scheduled Tribes across 22 States and Union Territories, promoting diversity and inclusion.
The initiative aims to empower these elected representatives by enhancing their knowledge of constitutional provisions, parliamentary processes, and effective governance to foster strong leadership skills.
Women and Child Development Minister Annapurna Devi, along with the National Commission for Women chief, will be present at the event, while Tribal Affairs Minister Jual Oram is set to address the second session later in the day.
Interactive workshops and sessions will be facilitated by experts and Members of Parliament, providing invaluable knowledge and skills to the participants.
Published – January 06, 2025 01:15 am IST