Hayao Miyazaki, the renowned Japanese anime director, has been honored with the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award, often referred to as Asia’s Nobel Prize. This recognition highlights Miyazaki’s remarkable contributions to the world of animation.
The award has garnered attention from various sectors, including Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, who lauded the filmmaker for his timeless masterpieces, including My Neighbour Totoro and Kiki’s Delivery Service. According to her, these films can be enjoyed repeatedly by audiences of all ages.
Describing Miyazaki as a magician, Sitharaman emphasized the depth and richness of the anime genre, noting its appeal to adult audiences as well. Miyazaki, along with producer Toshio Suzuki, co-founded the renowned Studio Ghibli in 1985, which has significantly influenced animation and storytelling. The studio emerged with a vision to break away from conventional industry norms, creating films that resonate with viewers on multiple levels.