TL;DR: As of September 15, you can secure a lifetime subscription to Headway Premium for just £34.28, down from £228.57, using the discount code HEADWAY— a remarkable savings of 85%.
For those who find it challenging to dedicate time to reading entire books, Headway offers a perfect solution. This innovative micro-learning app provides key insights and main ideas from a vast selection of books, allowing you to absorb knowledge quickly and efficiently.
Headway boasts a library filled with thousands of bestselling book summaries, continuously expanding with 30-50 new titles added each month. For a limited time, users can access a lifetime subscription for only £34.28 (reg. £228.57) when using the code HEADWAY.
Master New Skills During Breaks
Transforming the desire to learn into action can be challenging. While Headway cannot replace the in-depth experience of a full book, it offers a condensed version that’s rich in knowledge and insights. The app acts as a valuable tool to evaluate whether a book is deserving of your attention and investment. Moreover, Headway allows users to consume summaries in both audio and visual formats.
Kickstart your mornings with daily insights from global bestselling non-fiction titles instead of scrolling through social media. Headway even gamifies personal development, offering achievements for mastering new skills.
Establish a Growth Habit
This subscription enables you to install Headway Premium on one iOS, Mac, or Android device for life (the device’s lifespan, not yours). Regular updates are included.
Until September 28 at 11:59 p.m. PT, you can take advantage of the lifetime subscription to Headway Premium for £34.28 (reg. £228.57) by applying the code HEADWAY during checkout.
Prices subject to change.
Apps & Software