Surplus water being discharged from Himayatsagar reservoir into the Musi River in Hyderabad.
The Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWS&SB) has announced the operation of gates at Osmansagar and Himayatsagar, both nearing their full tank level capacities, scheduled for September 7, 2024.
At Osmansagar, two gates will be lifted by one foot to maintain an outflow of 226 cusecs. Meanwhile, at Himayatsagar, one gate will be lifted by one foot to ensure an outflow of 340 cusecs into the downstream Musi River, according to official statements.
As of Saturday noon, inflow measurements indicated 1800 cusecs at Osmansagar and 1400 cusecs at Himayatsagar.
Current Water Levels at Osmansagar and Himayatsagar
The full capacity of Osmansagar stands at 1790 feet (3.90tmc), with the current water level reported at 1787.95 feet (3.43tmc). In contrast, Himayatsagar’s water level is 1761.10 feet (2.455tmc), approaching its full capacity of 1763.50 feet (2.970 tmc).
HMWS&SB Chief Ashok Reddy has urged local administrative units, police, and municipal authorities in Hyderabad and Rangareddy districts to remain vigilant and exercise caution as water levels rise.
Published – September 07, 2024 03:40 pm IST