Frank Fritz, a beloved figure from the reality show “American Pickers,” has passed away at the age of 60. His death occurred on Monday night in a hospice facility in Davenport, Iowa, as confirmed by a close friend.
Fritz’s longtime co-star, Mike Wolfe, was by his side during his final moments. Wolfe shared heartfelt sentiments about their friendship, stating that Fritz was the same off-camera as he was on, resonating deeply with many through his genuine personality.
For over a decade, Fritz and Wolfe traveled across the U.S., exploring small towns and rural areas in search of hidden treasures. Their adventures often led them to dusty barns and cluttered garages, using flashlights to uncover antiques that could be restored and resold.
Fritz had a particular fondness for antique toys and engaged in friendly negotiations with sellers, showcasing his charm and wit. The pair encountered significant finds during their journeys, including a vintage van used by the band Aerosmith before they achieved worldwide fame.
Friends have noted that Fritz suffered a stroke in 2022, impacting his health significantly. A celebration of his life, featuring a motorcycle run, is planned for the coming spring. His friend emphasized the importance of the many close relationships Fritz cultivated, leaving behind a legacy of cherished friendships.