The recently released Den of Thieves 2: Pantera is making significant waves at the global box office, and director Christian Gudegast has confirmed plans for a sequel. After nearly seven years since the franchise’s first installment, the second film hit theaters on January 10, 2025. Set two years after the original, Pantera follows Gerald Butler’s character, Big Nick, as he seeks to foil the criminal schemes of Donnie Wilson across Europe. With growing interest from audiences, Gudegast has stated that production for Den of Thieves 3 is already in the pipeline.
Christian Gudegast Confirms Sequel Plans for Den of Thieves 2: Pantera
Addressing audience enthusiasm for trilogies, Gudegast affirmed his readiness for Den of Thieves 3, stating, “It’s already pitched. It’s already done. We’re ready to go.” Even when jokingly prompted to “knock on wood,” the director expressed optimism about the project, saying, “We’re feeling very good about it. But, sure, knock on wood. It doesn’t hurt.”
The original Den of Thieves premiered in 2018 and achieved remarkable success, grossing over $80 million worldwide against a $30 million budget, despite initial production challenges. Its digital release further fueled interest in the franchise and contributed to the accelerated launch of Pantera.
While Gudegast’s announcement offers an exciting update for fans, an official release date for Den of Thieves 3 has yet to be announced. In the meantime, audiences can catch Den of Thieves 2: Pantera still playing in cinemas.