Chicano Batman, the renowned Los Angeles band that seamlessly fused psych-rock with Tropicália and indie rock since their inception in 2008, has announced they will enter an “indefinite hiatus” following their upcoming shows this fall. While the band did not provide a specific reason for their break, they expressed gratitude to their fans for cultivating a supportive community.
In a heartfelt message, the band stated, “Chicano Batman Family, it’s been an incredible year. Thank you for believing in us. We love you and this movement that you have built around our music. When this year ends, Chicano Batman will be going on an indefinite hiatus. Let’s celebrate the music of the past 16 years together in Mexico next week and in California on our October and November run. Con mucho AMOR, siempre.”
Since their self-titled debut album in 2010, Chicano Batman has garnered a passionate following, growing their fanbase with each subsequent release, including 2014’s Cycles of Existential Rhyme, 2017’s Freedom Is Free, and 2020’s Invisible People. The band has toured internationally and made notable television appearances, including a debut performance on a late-night show, as well as a spot on NPR’s acclaimed concert series.
Earlier this year, Chicano Batman released their final studio album, Notebook Fantasy. As indicated in their announcement, the band will embark on a series of farewell shows this fall, culminating in their last performance scheduled for November 3 in Ventura, California.