Legendary Nigerian singer and actress Onyeka Onwenu has reportedly passed away at the age of 72. She is said to have died on Tuesday night at Reddington Hospital in Lagos after collapsing at the birthday celebration of Mrs. Stella Okoli.
An eyewitness confirmed the tragic news, stating, “It is very sad. Onyeka Onwenu just performed at the birthday of Mrs. Stella Okoli today (Tuesday, July 30, 2024), and after performing, she slumped. She was taken to Reddington Hospital, but unfortunately, she couldn’t make it.”
As of now, Onwenu’s family has not officially announced her death. She will be remembered for her iconic music albums, including “In The Morning Light” and “Dancing In The Sun,” as well as her appearances in films like “Half of a Yellow Sun” and “Lionheart.”
This loss deeply impacts the music and film industries, where Onwenu’s contributions have left an indelible mark.