More than 30 years ago, Mortal Kombat revolutionized the arcade scene, igniting a franchise renowned for its intense violence and captivating storytelling. Fans of the iconic series can soon delve into its rich, blood-soaked history with the upcoming release of the art book, Mortal Kombat: Flawless Victory. This eagerly awaited hardcover, priced at $50, is set to launch on August 5, 2025, and is now available for preorder.
Mortal Kombat: Flawless Victory will offer over 300 pages filled with concept sketches, stunning renders, and detailed illustrations. It will also feature exclusive interviews with the talented development team at NetherRealm Studios, insightful commentary, and an exploration of beloved characters such as Scorpion, Raiden, and Liu Kang.
Though the release date is still some time away, there’s good news for eager fans—the preorder option means you won’t be charged until the book ships, and buyers are guaranteed the best price at the time of release.
For those interested in gaming history, a variety of other titles are currently available that explore numerous consoles and game franchises. Book enthusiasts, particularly Game Boy fans, may want to explore The Game Boy Encyclopedia, which dives deep into the handheld’s extensive library. Additionally, translations of the third and fourth volumes in The History of Nintendo series are also available for preorder, providing insights into the legendary company’s secretive past.
Explore the world of gaming literature to uncover fascinating stories about the gaming industry, from its roots to the present.