The iconic Guitar Hero franchise, which first launched in November 2005, has experienced a significant hiatus. With its last installment, Guitar Hero Live, debuting in 2015, fans have eagerly awaited news of a new release. The Guitar Hero community remains vibrant as 2025 approaches, with an exciting new controller set to hit the Wii later this month.
Hyperkin has announced the preorders for its latest creation, the Hyper Strummer, which is slated for release on January 8. This updated Wii Guitar supports various titles from the Guitar Hero and Rock Band series, excluding the initial Rock Band game.
Priced at $77, the Hyper Strummer reflects the classic design of the original Guitar Hero controllers and operates via the Wii remote, eliminating the need for batteries. While it’s uncertain how many players still engage with Guitar Hero or Rock Band on the Wii in 2025, Hyperkin appears to have considered the current gaming landscape when developing this product.
In light of Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard, the future of the Guitar Hero franchise now lies in their hands. Microsoft Gaming CEO recently disclosed that he previously passed on Guitar Hero before it became immensely popular. Discussions regarding a potential revival of the franchise were noted by the Activision Blizzard CEO, though no new information has emerged since those conversations. Notably, Guitar Hero was a contender for the 2024 induction into the Strong Museum’s Video Game Hall of Fame, but ultimately did not make the final selection.