At least 48 individuals have tragically lost their lives in a devastating accident in Niger State, Nigeria. The incident occurred when a fuel tanker collided with a lorry transporting passengers and cattle, resulting in a significant explosion that consumed both vehicles, according to local disaster officials.
The Niger State Emergency Management Agency reported that the collision took place around 12:30 AM local time, leading to a catastrophic fire that also involved several other vehicles. Response teams swiftly arrived at the scene to manage the aftermath of this tragic event.
Eyewitness footage reveals the sheer destruction, with both vehicles completely burnt and numerous dead cattle scattered around the wreckage. Emergency rescue personnel are diligently working to recover the bodies of victims and animals trapped in the aftermath.
State media reports indicate that a mass burial for the victims is currently underway. Governor Umaru Bago expressed his deep sorrow over the incident, sending condolences to the bereaved families.
Incidents involving fuel tanker explosions are all too frequent in Nigeria, largely attributed to the deteriorating condition of the country’s roads.