Jakarta, ECNETNews – The Indonesian Supreme Court (Mahkamah Agung RI) has granted a retrial petition submitted by PT Aneka Tambang (Antam), Tbk, against affluent businessman Budi Said from Surabaya. The ruling dated March 11, identified by case number 815 PK/PDT/2024, overturns a previous decision that favored Budi Said.
“The ruling grants the retrial, invalidates the prior decision, and dismisses the lawsuit,” stated the Supreme Court in an official announcement reported on Sunday, March 16, 2025.
The panel of judges responsible for this ruling was led by Chief Justice Suharto, along with members Lucas Prakoso, Syamsul Ma’arif, Agus Subroto, and Prof. Hamdi.
As part of this case, Antam has also filed retrial petitions against four other individuals/entities, including Endang Kusmoro (Head of BELM Surabaya) and Butik Emas Logam Mulia Surabaya 01 PT Aneka Tambang, Tbk.
Two additional respondents are Yosep Purnama, the Vice President of Precious Metal Sales and Marketing at UBPP-LM Antam, and PT. Inconis Nusa Jaya.
In this ruling, the Supreme Court also annulled the previous decision made in September 2023, which had accepted Budi Said’s retrial petition, mandating Antam to pay a shortfall of 1.1 tons of gold, amounting to over Rp 1 trillion, to Budi Said.
Following this latest development, Antam has initiated a second retrial petition to the Supreme Court and has also filed a lawsuit against Budi Said at the East Jakarta District Court (PN Jakarta Timur), under case number 576/Pdt.G/2023/PNJKT.TIM.