Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has vehemently rejected allegations from the Enforcement Directorate (ED) concerning the illegal allocation of 14 sites in Mysuru to his wife, labeling the charges as politically motivated amid rising calls for his resignation.
The ED’s ongoing investigation into the Mysore Urban Development Authority (MUDA) land allotment case has sparked considerable controversy. In response, Siddaramaiah has characterized the probe as an attempt to undermine him politically. He pointed to a Karnataka High Court ruling favorable to former MUDA Commissioner Natesh, arguing that it supports his stance. “There is no money laundering involved; the ED is attempting to politicize the matter. The Lokayukta is already conducting an investigation as an independent body,” he stated, asserting that the central agency is targeting him to damage his reputation.
Siddaramaiah’s son, Yathindra, defended his father, stating that he intends to serve a complete five-year term as Chief Minister. “The high command, the state Congress president, and all MLAs stand behind him. No one has pressured him to resign,” he emphasized. He also elaborated on the land allocation issue, clarifying that their family’s land was encroached upon by MUDA, and compensation was provided with alternative sites. “The ED is dragging my father’s name into this under pressure from BJP leaders. There is no evidence of wrongdoing,” he added.
Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara expressed skepticism regarding the ED’s actions, suggesting that the agency publicized the case due to the involvement of both the Chief Minister and his wife. “I suspect they might not have taken such steps if it did not involve them,” he remarked, while stopping short of commenting on Siddaramaiah’s continued tenure in office.
In contrast, BJP MLC Ravikumar has called for Siddaramaiah’s immediate resignation, claiming that the ED’s findings indicate numerous illegally allotted sites linked to the Chief Minister’s family. “He must step down and cooperate with the ongoing investigation. During the allotments, he was the Leader of the Opposition and pressured MUDA officials for these allocations,” Ravikumar asserted.