Following the successful adaptations of popular franchises like Castlevania and Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft, Netflix is set to launch its next animated series: an adaptation of Capcom’s iconic Devil May Cry. This supernatural action franchise, which previously had an anime series released in 2007, is gearing up for an even more exhilarating interpretation, as suggested by the newly revealed opening credits.
The opening credits feature the high-energy track “Rollin'” by Limp Bizkit, known for its association with WWE’s Undertaker during his American Badass era over two decades ago. The song perfectly complements the chaotic essence of Devil May Cry’s protagonist, Dante, especially as he balances demonic battles with his love for pizza.
Adi Shankar returns to executive produce this highly anticipated series, having previously worked on Netflix’s acclaimed Castlevania animated series. He collaborates with Seung Wook Lee and Hideaki Itsuno to bring this project to life. The animation is being produced by Studio Mir, recognized for its work on popular series like X-Men ’97, Harley Quinn, and My Adventures with Superman.
Devil May Cry is set to premiere on Netflix on April 3. While there are no current plans for a sequel to 2019’s Devil May Cry 5, the show’s success could potentially spark interest in reviving the beloved video game series once again.