Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray recently addressed pressing issues, including a controversy surrounding the film “Chaava,” his party’s performance in the Maharashtra assembly polls, and his political vision moving forward.
Thackeray expressed his support for “Chaava,” a film depicting the life of Sambhaji Raje, but he urged the director to reconsider a specific scene in the trailer that features Sambhaji dancing with a Lezim. He described the film as a source of pride for the state and encouraged audiences to view it.
Reflecting on the MNS’s recent assembly poll defeat, Thackeray voiced his surprise at the results, questioning the integrity of the electoral process. He pointed out instances where his candidates received unexpectedly low vote counts, asking, “Did the votes disappear?”
Addressing accusations of changing his political stance, Thackeray highlighted that other political parties, including Shiv Sena and NCP, have also shifted alliances for convenience. He reiterated his commitment to his core ideology of Marathi pride and the support of the party workers.
In a bid to reinforce party discipline, Thackeray announced the introduction of a new “code of conduct” for the MNS. He emphasized his determination to lead a robust party capable of tackling future challenges head-on.
The address underscored Thackeray’s focus on reflection, proactive measures, and steadfast dedication to both his party and its principles.