In a shocking incident, police have interrogated ten individuals in connection with the murder of a Trinamool Congress (TMC) worker in West Bengal’s Malda district, as well as the serious injuries sustained by two others. This information was confirmed by law enforcement officials on January 15, 2025.
The detained individuals, primarily local residents, were questioned overnight following the attack. However, no arrests have been made at this stage, according to police sources.
Authorities have recovered CCTV footage from nearby locations, providing potential leads in the investigation. A police representative stated, “The ongoing inquiry appears to be linked to revenge politics. Among those detained, six individuals are from the same community. Furthermore, our teams have conducted multiple searches as part of the investigation.”
Interestingly, police have reported that there is no evidence indicating that the TMC workers were shot during the incident. “We have not discovered any proof of gunfire in connection with the crime. Currently, there is no visual or mobile evidence to suggest that shots were fired during the attack. While no arrests have been made yet, we are hopeful to apprehend the suspects soon,” the officer added.
This attack comes just days after the tragic killing of TMC councillor Dulal Sarkar in Malda district. On Tuesday, a TMC worker, Ataul Haque—also known as Hasu Sheikh—lost his life when assailants attacked local committee president Bakul Sheikh and other party workers during a road inauguration event in Kaliaganj. Both Sheikh and former panchayat chief Esaruddin Sheikh are receiving critical care at Malda Medical College and Hospital.
Published – January 15, 2025 11:17 am IST