Netflix’s Witcher universe is set to broaden its horizons with the upcoming animated film, “The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep,” slated for release next month. As Geralt of Rivia returns to the screen, fans will hear the familiar voice of Doug Cockle, the original voice actor from the video game series, reprising his iconic role. This exciting news comes alongside the transition of the live-action portrayal from Henry Cavill to Liam Hemsworth for future installments.
“Sirens of the Deep” takes place during the first season of the live-action series, shortly after Geralt encounters Yennefer of Vengerberg, once again voiced by Anya Chalotra. This narrative, inspired by Andrzej Sapkowski’s short story “A Little Sacrifice,” follows Geralt as he struggles to move on from Yennefer while journeying with Jaskier, voiced by Joey Batey. However, their reunion is imminent as they become embroiled in a conflict between humans and a kingdom of merpeople.
Geralt’s efforts to mediate the tensions with his new ally, Essi Daven, voiced by Christina Wren, prove challenging as both factions appear determined to resolve their enmity through violence. This clash gives rise to formidable monsters that could pose a serious threat, even for Geralt himself.
“The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep” is set to premiere on Netflix on February 11. Additionally, the fourth season of the live-action “The Witcher” series is anticipated to launch later this year. Looking ahead, Doug Cockle will again voice Geralt in “The Witcher 4,” where Ciri will take center stage as the new main character, with Ciara Berkeley stepping in as her voice. The release date for “The Witcher 4” has yet to be announced.