The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has launched a strong critique of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, accusing him of exploiting the recent death of former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh for political gain. The BJP alleges that Gandhi traveled to Vietnam to celebrate the New Year while the nation mourns Dr. Singh’s passing. This accusation comes amidst heightened political tensions as both parties engage in a war of words.
“While the country grieves the loss of [former] Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, Rahul Gandhi has chosen to fly to Vietnam for New Year celebrations,” said Amit Malviya, head of BJP’s IT cell, in a statement.
Malviya further claimed that Gandhi’s actions indicate a lack of respect for Dr. Singh and accused him of politicizing the situation. He provocatively referenced historical tensions, stating, “The Gandhis and the Congress have a history of contempt towards the Sikh community,” referencing events from the past.
In a vigorous response, Congress leader Manickam Tagore questioned the BJP’s focus on Gandhi’s private travel plans, asking when the party would cease what he termed “diversion politics.” He criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s handling of Dr. Singh’s cremation arrangements and emphasized the need for respect during mourning periods.
“If Gandhi travels privately, why does it concern you?” Tagore questioned, adding, “Wishing you a healthier New Year despite your political antics.”
Published – December 30, 2024 03:08 pm IST